182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
ico182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Physical Disabilities

Persons with Physical Disabilities

Rehabilitation Equipment Transportation resources District Health Centre/DHC Express

What residential services are available to provide transitional care and community-based rehabilitation programmes for tetraplegic patients discharged from hospital/medical rehabilitation centre?

Community Rehabilitation Day Centre provides both professional rehabilitation training service and psychosocial rehabilitation services to discharged patients, enhancing the patients' physical functioning and self-maintenance abilities; strengthening their domestic living and community living sk ...

What services are available to facilitate persons with disabilities (including persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with physical disabilities, persons with hearing impairment and persons with visual impairment) to have the opportunity to participate in and organize different types of activities to meet their social, recreational and developmental needs?

Social and Recreational Centre for the Disabled provides people with disabilities with opportunities to participate in and to organize a variety of activities which meet their social, recreational and developmental needs.You can refer to the following Social Welfare Department website.Information on ...

What centre services are available to provide supportive community support services for physically disabled people living at home and their carers, including the provision of centre-based or home-based services, basic care, physical, occupational and speech therapy?
2. Is there any service boundary for The Pilot Project on Integrated Community Rehabilitation Centre (ICRC)?

The Social Welfare Department has sought from the Lotteries Fund to implement a project namely “The Pilot Project on Integrated Community Rehabilitation Centre” (the Pilot Project) through 2 ICRCs to provide a continuum of coherent and interconnected services for persons with disabilities having int ...

What community-based support programmes are available to support people with disabilities and their families, ease the burden of caregivers, and improve their quality of life?

Community-based Support Projects for Persons with Disabilities and Their Families are for strengthening carers' caring capacity, relieving their stress, as well as providing persons with disabilities and their families a better quality of life.You can refer to the following Social Welfare Depart ...

What day respite services are for people with disabilities to relieve the pressure on caregivers and allow them to take a short-term break when needed?

Day Respite Service provides persons with disabilities living in the community with short-term day care.  They provide relief for carers so that they may take short-term breaks or attend to other matters when required.  They aim at encouraging and helping persons with disabilities to conti ...

Elderly Centers In The Community

District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.

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