182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Physical Disabilities

Persons with Physical Disabilities

Rehabilitation Equipment Transportation resources District Health Centre/DHC Express

What services can provide support to graduates who are about to leave special schools?

The Social Welfare Department has established a " designated team for special school leaver" in each of the 21 District Support Centers for Persons with Disabilities in Hong Kong to provide support to graduates who are about to leave special schools.You can use the search function on this ...

How can the Care Teams support caregivers?

The formation of Care Teams seeks to consolidate community resources and forces to support the Government’s district work and strengthen district networks. Care Teams will organise caring activities (such as visiting the needy) and assist in handling incidents and emergencies. Besides, Care Teams ca ...

How can I get support from District Council members for carers?

District Council is to provide services for people in the District, such as consultation and case referral services. You can refer to the following website.District CouncilThe source of information is provided by the District Council website. ...

What day services are available to support persons with disabilities and their caregivers, such as strengthening the home and community skills of persons with disabilities, and providing training and support to caregivers to enhance their ability to care for persons with disabilities and relieve the stress of caregivers?

District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities provides one-stop community support services for persons with disabilities and their family members / carers , to enhance the domestic living and community living skills for persons with disabilities so as to facilitate their integration into the ...

What day services are available to provide community rehabilitation programs for tetraplegic patients leaving hospital?

Transitional Care and Support Centre for Tetraplegic Patients (TCSC) provides time-defined and goal-oriented community-based rehabilitation programmes to tetraplegic patients discharged from hospital/medical rehabilitation centre to facilitate their return to community living with a view to improvin ...
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