182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support

What economic assistance is available to support low-income families with elderly carers?

Government launched the “Scheme on Living Allowance for Carers of Elderly Persons from Low-income Families” with the aim of providing carers of elderly persons from low-income families with a living allowance to help supplement their living expenses so that elderly persons in need of long-term care ...

What economic assistance is available to support low-income carers of disabled individuals?

Government launched the “Scheme on Living Allowance for Low-income Carers of Persons with Disabilities” with the aim of providing carers of persons with disabilities from low-income families with a living allowance to help supplement their living expenses so that persons with disabilitie ...

Any Funds for Specific Groups / Special Needs Trust / Financial Assistance for tetraplegic patients?

The Yan Chai Tetraplegic Fund aims to provide assistance to relieve the financial difficulties of tetraplegic patients by supporting their living in the community and improving their quality of living.You can refer to the following website.Yan Chai Tetraplegic FundThe source of information is provid ...
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