182 183Designated Hotline for Carer Support
ico182 183 Designated Hotline for Carer Support
Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

What residential care services are available for visually impaired and severely mentally disabled persons who lack basic self-care ability and require assistance in personal and nursing care?

Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons with Visual Impairment provides home living for persons with severe mental handicap who lack basic self-care skills and require assistance in personal and nursing care.You can refer to the following Social Welfare Department website.Information on ser ...

What day care services are available for people with disabilities and carers, such as strengthening the home and community skills, and providing training and support to carers to enhance their ability and relieve the stress?

District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities provides one-stop community support services for persons with disabilities and their family members / carers , to enhance the domestic living and community living skills for persons with disabilities so as to facilitate their integration into the ...

What day care services are available for people with severe intellectual disabilities such as nursing care, rehabilitation services, social and personal care services, so as to enhance the opportunities for people with severe intellectual disabilities to continue living in the community?

Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities provides centre-based day care for persons with severe disabilities. Its objective is to promote care in the community by strengthening the caring capability of families or carers through provision of regular day care including nursing, rehabilit ...

What services are available to facilitate persons with disabilities (including persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with physical disabilities, persons with hearing impairment and persons with visual impairment) to have the opportunity to participate in and organize different types of activities to meet their social, recreational and developmental needs?

Social and Recreational Centre for the Disabled provides people with disabilities with opportunities to participate in and to organize a variety of activities which meet their social, recreational and developmental needs.You can refer to the following Social Welfare Department website.Information on ...

What home-based support services are available to carers who waiting for hostels for persons with severe intellectual disabilities to reduce the pressure on caregivers?

Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities aims at providing home-based support services to meet their personal care, nursing care and rehabilitation training needs of persons with severe intellectual / physical disabilities / moderate nursing care need or functional impairment.  It ...

Elderly Centers In The Community

District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.

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