Persons with Chronic Diseases/Congenital Defects
What is Liver Cancer?
The liver is the largest organ inside the body, and is a very important metabolic organ. It is found on the upper right of the abdomen, comprising the left lobe and the right lobe.When the liver cells begin to mutate and uncontrolled divide, a liver cancer is formed.
What is Stomach Cancerr?
When there is a mutation in stomach cells and develop into malignant tumor, it is called stomach cancer.
What services provide patient support to liver cancer and gastrointestinal cancer patients and their families?
Hong Kong Liver Cancer and Gastrointestinal Cancer Foundation
What services provide a support network for cancer patients and their families?
What services provide a support network for Ostomy patients?
Hong Kong Stoma Association Limited \ Ostomate's Support Group
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.