Organization:CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing - JC Cadenza e-Tools for Elder Care
Target Audience:Public、Carers of Elderly
Enquiry:3943 3015
Registration Method:
Invitation to participate in the
"iHealth Screen" mobile app survey
Let us continue to improve and strive for excellence!
As we age, older adults face many physical, mental, and emotional changes or declines. The Jockey Club CADENZA e-Tools for Elder Care launched the "iHealth Screen" mobile app in August 2021. It is a self-health screening application designed specifically for older adults and caregivers. The app offers tests on 11 different health issues for older adults, such as muscle weakness and emotional health. After the tests, the app automatically provides screening reports and further provides access to educational information and other relevant community resources based on the test results!
Since its launch, the "iHealth Screen" app has been downloaded by over 17,000 users. In order to continuously improve the functionality of the app and effectively assist older adults and caregivers, we are currently conducting a survey and inviting feedback from older adults, caregivers, social welfare professionals, healthcare professionals, and the general public who have used the "iHealth Screen" app. Your valuable opinions on the app's features and effectiveness are greatly appreciated!
Online survey link:
If you have not used the "iHealth Screen" app before, you can download it now and try it out to
take health tests and access educational information:
#HealthTest #FreeTest #jccadenzaetools #cuhkioa #HongKongJockeyClubCharitiesTrust
Jockey Club CADENZA e-Tools for Elder Care website:
Facebook page:
YouTube channel:
Contact: Jockey Club CADENZA e-Tools for Elder Care Team (Phone: 3943 3015)