部份长者因行动不便,或照顾者未能抽出时间,于复诊或外出时需要别人陪伴,所以需要护送服务。除了资助的家居照顾服务外,部份私营机构及非政府团体亦有提供自费的护送服务,可让照顾者安排于指定时间,接送长者到来回医院及家中,或其他指定地方。你可于本网页中使用搜寻功能,搜寻「护送服务」,便可找到相关的服务单位。 ...
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.