晚期照顾是指病人的病情已进入最后阶段,并已没有有效的治疗方法,主要会转为以纾缓治疗,为治疗的首要的目标,同时亦会支援病人及家属为病人离世作出实际及心理上的准备。你可以使用本网页的搜寻功能,选择「晚期照顾/善终服务」,获得更多相关的服务单位资讯。 ...
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.