透過「醫社合作」模式,使患有輕度或中度認知障礙症的長者在社區內獲得適切的支援服務,以穩定他們的病情以及減輕他們進出醫院的困擾,並讓照顧者得到相關的支援,達致居家安老的目標。現時,計劃已覆蓋41間長者地區中心及7個醫管局聯網,預計每年可服務超過2 000名患有認知障礙症的長者。如你欲了解更多服務內容,可瀏覽以下社會福利署網站。「智友醫社同行」計劃資訊是由社會福利署提供 ...
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.