失語症是一種腦部損傷後常見的症候群,比如中風、頭部外傷、腦瘤、腦退化性疾病(如阿茲海默症)以及腦部感染都有可能出現失語症。由於腦部病變使的中樞神經處理語言訊息的能力喪失或受損,就會使原本具備的語言溝通能力喪失或減弱,而且有可能出現在理解或表達兩方面。 ...
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.