以下社福/自负盈亏机构,提供可供轮椅上落之巴士接载或穿梭巴士的服务,供因行动不便而需使用轮椅之人士出行,如覆诊等使用。复康巴士 (服务全港,有固定路线及电召服务等,需先登记成为会员。)易达巴士 (服务60岁以上行动不便的长者,往返覆诊或其他活动,需先登记。)圣雅各爱心小巴 (服务地区包括中西区、南区、东区、荃湾,葵涌及青衣,需先登记。)冠忠无障碍 (复康穿梭巴士线,包括不同区域及医院,另有周末观光线。)南区复康专线 (为行动不便的南区居民及其照顾者提供免费无障碍交通服务,往返区内公立医院及医疗机构。) ...
Elderly Centers In The Community
District Elderly Center/Neighborhood Center is a community support service for the elderly at the district level. Its purpose is to help the elderly live a healthy, respected and dignified life in the community, and to encourage the elderly to actively participate and contribute to society.